FAQ Regarding B.Ed. Practical Examinations
Statutory Warning:  Based purely on my interpretation of the syllabus and discussions with experts. If any discrepancies please feel free to let me know so that it will be put for discussion and corrected at the earliest. If you have any queries please feel free to mail it so that it will be useful to all.

1. Is there external practical board in third and fourth semesters?
Yes, In the third semester all the work and records related to teaching practice first phase and related  practical works of pedagogy papers will be evaluated by the external board. In the fourth semester the Minor research project and MCQ of core papers and of EDU 15 will be evaluated by the external board

2. Is it necessary to submit the records of the teaching practice and other optional related works of fourth semester to the external Practical Board?
Yes. Though the evaluation is internal the practical board can verify the works related to teaching practice and should ensure that the minimum requirements are satisfied

3. Do we have to produce the answer scripts of the Achievement and Diagnostic test to the practical board?
No. Only the records of the Achievement and diagnostic test need to be produced along with the analysis

4. Is there any criteria for the selection of candidates for the Co-ordinating Chairman and Chairman Viva?
No. It is purely based on random selection or any selection method adopted by the Coordinating Chairman and Chairman.

5. What should be the duration of the class for practical examination?
It is directed that class duration should be 30 minutes and two classes on the same subject can be arranged if deemed necessary but should be in adjacent classrooms.

6. Do the students have to take Physical education classes for the practical examination?
No. The external board will only verify the records of Physical and Health education and conduct viva.

7. Do we have to give the internal marks to the external subject teachers?
No. The internal marks need to be given only to the Chairman. The chairman will take the average of the internal and external marks as the final mark to be submitted to the university.

8. Do we have to give the mark of attendance to the external body?
No. It is very clearly stated in the syllabus that the attendance need to be uploaded to the university only.

9. Do the students have to show their blogs to the external board?
Yes it is one of the requirements of the optional practical work.
Two tasks have to be undertaken in third and fourth semesters
(1)  Uploading weekly report of the experiences during internship including all curricular, co-curricular and extension activities undertaken during the weeks in school.
(2) Uploading two innovative work / lesson segment on a single concept in the optional paper undertaken during practice teaching

10. Is there an external evaluation for the core papers?
Yes. One general teacher will evaluate the Project/ Case study / Action research and the MCQ Test Battery of the Core papers

11. Should we submit the record of Reading and Reflecting on text of first, and second  semester to the external board?
No. It is very clearly mentioned in the curriculum that only the records of the third and fourth semester be submitted before the external board.

12. How many text books should be reviewed for the Reading and Reflecting on text?
The specific number of books to be read is not mentioned in the curriculum. The fact that need to be taken into consideration is that the record work carries 25 marks in the fourth semester
 " Each student teacher is expected to read a variety of texts, including empirical, conceptual and historical work, policy documents, studies about schools, teaching, learning etc. and to prepare reflective notes." 

13. Check list for the External Examination

First Phase
  • Records of Teaching Practice fourth semester
  • Peer observation record
  • Record of blog uploading
  • Record of conscientisation
  • Achievement test
  • Diagnostic test
  • Reflective Journal
  • Record of Reading and Reflecting on text
  • MCQ Test Battery (Optional Subject)
  • Yoga and Health Education Record, Practice Teaching
Second Phase
  • Report - Research Project / Action Research / Case Study
  • MCQ Test Battery (Core Subject)

14. Format of the Report of Minor Project/Case Study/Action Research

Format of the Report
Ø Introduction
Ø Significance of the Study, Objectives of the study, Hypotheses , Related Studies
Ø Method of Study , Sample selection, Tools used in the study, Data collection, Measures adopted for calculation
Ø Analysis of the data, findings of the study, implications.

Evaluation of the Report
·     The problem and Title. ( 5 marks)
·     Statement of Objectives and Hypotheses/research questions (10 marks)
·     Sample and Tools for the study including data collection (10 marks)
·     Analysis of data-procedures adopted and clarity (10 marks)
·     Findings of the study(5 marks)
·     Viva-voce (10 marks)- (external assessment only).

Viva-voce : 10 marks ( viva – voce criteria )
·     Thoroughness of the study
·     Novelty/originality of the study
·     Initiative of the researcher
·     Presentation of the study

·     Capacity to Substantiate / (2 marks each)

15. Who will conduct the viva of the project?
The external examiner ( general paper) along with the chairman will conduct the viva of the project

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